POLL - What did you do instead of watch the GP?

I checked out Exiges.com, bit of dusting, cold shower (darn hot here).

Mixture of feelings -


Carried on running in the S2. Now up to 315 miles, the last 40 on some of Mid Sussex’s best twisties

I painted my kitchen door…then watched that.

I turned it off and sent F1.com a full on p’ss off email…

I turned it off and sent F1.com a full on p’ss off email…

I hope you copied it to the FIA too. Absolute w$%^ers.

I went to the Warbrook house Seloc meet(which was very pleasant ) whilst lightly broiling myself and girlie in the Exige on the way there and back (which was less pleasant ).

I was at a christening about 2 mins from Walbrooke. Know where I’d rather have been! Could have worn my shorts.

Ben, you could have popped in on the way home and watched…the…GP…or not!


I hope you copied it to the FIA too. Absolute w$%^ers.

Ok, this is interesting. Who do people blame? Not for the problem, that was obviously Michelin (and I await all the implending joke), but for ruin my evenings entertainment?

1 vote from Randy for the FIA, and I think I’m pretty much agreeing with him (as they seemed to put a stop to potential solutions), so that’s 2.


Are you talking about the MotoGP?

I watched it. Great race, Valentino Rossi won again.

Then as soon as it was finished, it switched to the Le Mans 24 hrs.
Turned the TV off then and went out with the family to the Highland Games.

i took the exige on a wonderful blat through to galashiels to let the new oil make its way round the engine. It is running superb and i decided im not wanting to sell it. EVER!!! The roads were perfectly suited to the cars performance and handling and even though the passenger window fell out(!!!) i remained in a state of bliss

I want your afternoon Uldis!


Deffo the FIA in my opinion. OK Michelin screwed up and I think that is laughable, but it seemed like there were options that would allow everyone to race and the FIA said no.

I still watched it though


The lead up to the race was blooming exciting (if stupid)! I did leave it on in the background, and had to laugh when the two Ferraris nearly took each other out [“Jordan win GP shocker!”]

Give the Bridgestone’s the points in the ordered they qualified (then the poll sitters). Bolt the chicane on the banked bend and let’s go racing for the prize money! But nop, FIA put their heads up their arses’, said not our problem, these are the rules, end of everybodies fun.

Strangely, the FIA were the only party that didn’t really have anything to lose from what happened. Funny that.


I just caught the end of the F1… I’ve been mostly burning myself in Regents Park smoking a big bag of… erm…tabacco… Yes, tabacco…

So alas, the exige stayed tucked up in the garage, shocking!!!

Well, ITV have halved the length of their highlights for some reason?! So it’ll be even easier to catch-up now!


Dutch SBS6 had an interveiw with Paul Stoddard when he went for a fag break - he called it a “Fcuking Joke” - at least twice - brilliant Sometimes two words can sum it all up …

I was in the stands right at the turn in for T1. No one in the stands knew what was happening - it was terrible.

I watched the whole “race” for no more reason to see what “interesting” would happen with the crowd. Thankfully, no one got too out of control.

It’s the FIA’s bag to hold - their tire rules are no creating safety issues. Michelin can’t be overlooked for not bringing a product up to the challenge to the track (that turn has been there since 1908).

I feel very bad for all the people who traveled great distances and spent many $$ (or your currency of choice) to attend the race. I only had to drive 3 hours each way.

I turned to TV off and then got sunburnt drinking bud and had a bbq!

I read in the papers that the FIA offered them options, which would have allowed them to compete safely within the limitations of their tyres. And for some reason they chose not to accept these options.

It did not say what the options were? I blame the FIA, Michelin…and most of all, that prat Ecclestone. They all knew on the Friday that they had a problem.

I think the drivers should have choose to race…they may have got some points…they know the damagers of racing…they are paid for it!

I’ve just bought tickets to the first A1 Gp at brans hatch. Maybe this will put F1 in the shade!

I did hear that Ferrari were the only ones to object to putting a chicane in, basically as it meant easy points for them…

I understand that they want to win no matter what, as would any race team, but it’s hardly the spirit of the ideal, even if they had started at the back of the grid and couldn’t win any points it would have been a better option!

Dutch SBS6 had an interveiw with Paul Stoddard when he went for a fag break - he called it a “Fcuking Joke” - at least twice - brilliant Sometimes two words can sum it all up …

That will be this one then
Stoddart Rant