Please vote for my sexy model friend...

In the o2, search for a model competition.

You can view the competition here…

Then enter 923 in the search box… A few pictures will pop up including this lovely young lady, Alana


If you could give her your of approval that would be appreciated


me too

so now you pop up mr uldis… ehhh…

Thanks guys

All help will be much appreciated


Thanks guys

All help will be much appreciated

whats the prize…

We’ve not got her in the favourites yet, a crying shame!



so now you pop up mr uldis… ehhh…

This is important! (she’s very nice )

Just had a message from the lady herself!

hi everyone

A BIG thankyou to all of you that took the time to vote for me.
Much appreciated

Got some good news, had a phone call this morning and have been told i’ve been “short listed” and need as many votes as i can get now.

If you could continue to help by texting “Model 12” to 80202 that would be fantastic!

(Votes cost 25p + standard text rate.)

Votes cost 25p + standard text rate.

They’re onto a good thing there… I think I’m going to run a competition of my own

considering o2 are a telecoms co anyway it does seem a bit cheeky to fleece the voters who are participating in a competition thats being run “in house”

shes worth it tho

I’ll vote for her at least ten times in exchange for her phone number .

Sorry boys shes taken (hardly suprising tbh)



pain… left… armmm!..

possibly… hart… attack…


Ok, recovered, not heart attack after all.

That is the fittest bird I have ever seen in my whole life!

Can I know how she was taken? where? when?

Can I know how she was taken? where? when?

Well, Uldis, it was like this…(slips into dream mode)

Cough, splutter Heeeeeere

I’m in love…


How cool having a page 3 babe as a mate. i would love that, i work for News International who print the Sun, I have the job of checking the quality of the page 3 girls every day. it’s not an official position but one I like to pride myself in,making sure no munters slip through the net onto page 3. I often wonder what it would be like to have a bird who was as pretty as a page 3 girl. No real woman is that good looking, well there not around where I live!!

I have the job of checking the quality of the page 3 girls every day.

I’d be happy just checking their photographs, you lucky b^gger