Pipercross airfilter wanted

Let me help you with credit crunch cash flow…
I would like a PiperCross air filter for Exige S1 VHPD and any CAI ducting you 've got lying around.

If you have any old Rods and/or pistons or other decorative engine bits suitable for desk paperweights etc give me a shout.


The filter is �75 + vat from Lotus!!! Pipercross will not supply direct!

Sorry but I only have a foot of hose left after the job! GO ON, buy this stuff from Revo! It is really super and will do the job properly!

Photos are ‘up’ now!


Think i have still got the original 2nd one taken off mine soon after initial dleivery if you are interested. PM me an offer…

Situation now sorted thanks.

Situation now sorted thanks.

Sounds like a war!!!

What are the plans Clive???

No War but Whore …thats different
I would like the ITG set-up as I tried removing the Whitches Hat whilst the engine was running and the revs certainly increased so there could be something in the thought that the filter restricts air flow.
So for about �180 I can gain another 0.000025 BHP
Onward and upward in my quest to catch the Rice Burners with my K.
Pete "Original " K’s seem to be in the decline so I dont want you going all Slitty Eyed on us

"Original " K’s seem to be in the decline so I dont want you going all Slitty Eyed on us

Original K fans will need to read KingK’s book to engage in recreational slitty eyed activities, no?