Piper cams... again

Has anyone got any rolling road comparisons with a before/after fitting of the Piper Cams?

They are sitting here ready to be fitted but I need convincing that I’m not just throwing money at the car only to notice no difference (as some have told me)



It isnt that easy Im afraid.

My car achieved very similar figure to the stock cams with piper 285 cams. BUT the factory ECU did to good a job of adapting and therefore removing any increases.

Piper claim the 285 cams can achieve 220bhp with their header. I dont know if this is realistic but until someone tries the cams and maps the ECU or replaces the Lotus ECU I dont think it will know what the cams can achieve. In the Celica world it seems that they have more luck in using uprated cams.

I can say for sure that the cams do help smooth out the cam change over.

yes no point in doing it unless you can map your ECU

I have just have a new exhaust. ITG and Motorsport ECU

the my car flew for 2 weeks

but now its gone back to normal. lol