Pictures of my Exige S GT Oulton Park 2007

Yum! Lovely looking car mate , Oulton looks like a great circuit too, might try and get up there for the LoT round this year, what do we think of it as a spectator circuit?


what do we think of it as a spectator circuit?


One of the best, David

Oulton Park is one of the best driving circuits as well - imho in the UK.

Never spectated though.

Awesome car you have.

Oulton park is for me the best circuit in the country.

what do we think of it as a spectator circuit?


My tip would be go to the entrance at Knickerbrook and park up on the outside of Hislops. From here you can watch them go down Dentons and into Cascades before dissappearing towards the Shell Oils Corner, then they will reappear over Hilltop and you can watch them all the way to Clay Hill. The braking zone into Hislops is a great place to overtake and so should see plenty of action. It was the best spot last year.

My tip would be go to the entrance at Knickerbrook and park up on the outside of Hislops. From here you can watch them go down Dentons and into Cascades before dissappearing towards the Shell Oils Corner, then they will reappear over Hilltop and you can watch them all the way to Clay Hill. The braking zone into Hislops is a great place to overtake and so should see plenty of action. It was the best spot last year.

Steve is 100% - that is the best area from which to spectate. However, no need to use the Knickerbrook entrance (unless you specifically want to, or it’s a very busy day eg BTCC), as it’s only a 10 min walk from the pit/paddock area if you prefer to park up via the main entrance.

Wow, thanks guys, sounds great, definitely try and get up there sometime


it’s only a 10 min walk from the pit/paddock area if you prefer to park up via the main entrance.


do you mean on the road on the outside of the circuit?


do you mean on the road on the outside of the circuit?


Straight out of the paddock, across the infield to the footbridge at the top of Clay Hill, over the bridge & turn left to Knickerbrook

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Ah - never used that bridge…as you can’t drive across it