PI System 2 Data Logging dash

PI System 2 data logging system - this is a professional setup used bt many of the top teams. It will log the following:
Revs - with built in shift light
Water Temp
Oil Temp
Fuel Pressure
Wheel Speed i.e. mph
2 additional channels for things such as throttle position, brake pressure
Full lap times via Beacon
Full track mapping via software using accelerometers, highly accurate. It will show you entry / exit speeds basically any speed and line of car at any point via cursor.

Also included is colour laptop with all the software and license for the dash. This dash fits nicely inside the Lotus instrement binacle.
This lot new would cost well over �2000 thats not including cost of a laptop.

Extra info - http://photozilla.ru/es/pi2faq/index.htm#preface

Price �700 I can bring it to Cadwell on the 17th