PESKY, formally known as PESKY from NORLOG?..

Mmm… what happened to you?

my life felt empty when you left , did you borrow my sat nav?

PESKY, formally known as PESKY from NORLOG?..

Mmm… what happened to you?

my life felt empty when you left , did you borrow my sat nav?

Yes & yes, & I miss you too darling

PS I’ve been here so long that you were still in primary school when I signed up

PPS Have you sold that Mondeo Coupe then?

PPPS Hope you’re NOW going to get your Exige on track - there are no excuses not too!

PPPPS How’s the ickle Austin running?

Finally - Boatyard next Weds?

I used to get free milk at primary school…is that along time ago?

The xk mondeo has gone thank fook! it dropped �7k in 12 weeks …still got one left though!

I don’t know if i will track the exige as i have bought it through my business and it will be for sale soon give or take a few weeks…

The Austin has gone rob, we didn’t get on

Boatyard! OK, its a date

you-norlog-pm me! why why why why

Good lad Sean - see ya next week

You’re always going to lose a shedload on a new car in the first year, in particular, aren’t you? Bonny cars, though them there new XKs

Selling the Exige or your business

Selling the Exige or your business [/quote]
sorry rob (i wasn’t clear) not the business…the exige, it is a stock vehicle.

sorry rob (i wasn’t clear) not the business…the exige, it is a stock vehicle.

No need to apologise, Sean, but that’s all the more reason to get it on track then

sorry rob (i wasn’t clear) not the business…the exige, it is a stock vehicle.

No need to apologise, Sean, but that’s all the more reason to get it on track then

OK BOOK ME IN! where is the nearest track to us? and how soon can we go??? I’m serious

OK BOOK ME IN! where is the nearest track to us? and how soon can we go??? I’m serious

Excellent Sean - that’s a great, decisive response!

Oulton is nearest in distance terms, but forget that, the nearest date wise is 12th Sept at Donington (see thread on Meets & Events section). There are quite a few from here going, & I sincerely promise you that we’ll look after you, & make sure you have a great day. Donington is about 2.25 hours drive away for you, but with an early morning start to get there at 8am, it should be a straightforward drive. Get your name down as “provisional booking” on, & you’ll then qualify for the discount.

We can discuss further at the Boatyard next week

I’m almost as excited as Pete757 now

cheers rob!

ok, i’m on for this i would need someone to sit in with me for a few laps to show me what to do as i have never been on track before

is donington ok for a novice in fact i have loads and loads of questions it’s probably better that i ring you this weekend rob (cheers for phone no)

way-hay I’m excited


As I said, we’ll look after you. I would strongly recommend booking some instruction with Bookatrack - preferably as early on in the day as possible.You need to get booked on provisionally pretty sharpish now, otherwise you’ll be too late!!!

Give me a ring later on today - got to do the bloody weekly household shopping in the next couple of hours - I’ll be doing the ironing soon too

OOOH I’ll bring some shirts for ya to Donno!!!

OOOH I’ll bring some shirts for ya to Donno!!!

But you’ve already got your own domestic goddess who gladly does everything to your beck & call, & satisfies your every whim…Burt! [image][/image]