


Bloody hell!!!

His tyres are bald

Bet he’s been running the tyre pressures recommended by Lotus then

Nah, they’re bald all over, so he can’t be

Runway Two, Five, cleared for take off…

Surely It cant sit like that, It must be on some sort of pivot to lower it down would you not think??

What the fook is that!!???

It’s purpose in life is competing in sprints in the USA.

PS Steve - are you a frustrated doctor, cos the last time someone asked me to cough…?

I would like to apologize for all Americans for this travesty. I really don’t know what to say…
I will now hang my head in shame and go to my room without dinner.

but does it work…I thought wings worked best as far to the rear of the car as possible?

I can only imagine it has been mounted like that to give some additional front end grip as well.

If you mount it behind the CoG then the turning moment will make the front go light. He has mounted it more or less over CoG and therefore downforce will act equally on front and rear.