Pathetic 2930

That’s the total mileage I did in the Exige last year - hangs head in deep shame :blush: :blush: :blush:

At least it now has another12 months MOT :sunglasses:

I think that was more than me bud. I enjoyed every one though :smiley: apart from limping around with a broken inboard-CV that was not much fun.

Looking forwards to eating into this years quota this time next week :sunglasses:

Zero miles in my Exige last year :frowning:

Just over a 1200 for me,

I managed a roaring 3500 in 2014, beating my annus horriblis of 1100 in 2013 and 2600 in 2012.

already done 400 this year and planning lots more if it ever stops raining !!\

decided to sod the milage and enjoy it, i can always stick a honda in it !!!


2,500 across Europe in on trip for me. More to come, I hope

Looking at my MoT it appears I consistently do less than 3k p.a. So don’t sweat it Pesky. I managed to take it to the Le Mans Classic in the last year, that was a great experience. I was dripping though, thanks to the 30 deg plus ambient temps. I’ve finally just insured it for 3000 miles rather than the 5000 I’ve insured it for previously. Happy motoring…

I’ve been accustomed to doing 6k to 8k miles for many years, including at least one European jaunt.

C’mon guys, get out & use the bloody things! :mrgreen:

732 :wink:

Poofs, the lot of yer :mrgreen: