Parking on the Street

As I am trying to acquire an Exige as we speak I do have a question for the forum. As I live in London and planning to park the car on the street I wonder if there are any immediated reasons (i.e. leaking into a cabin, wet break pads, etc.)except vandalism that should discourage me from keep the car park on the street (high cost for garages!!!). Does a cover help?ThanksTeeP.S. Are there any F&C type runs organized around London that anyone is aware of?

Best way to stay informed on the F&C front is to sign up to the various groups. The ones I know about are:

No problems at all with leaving the car outside (vandalism strongly excluded).The Exige is watertight to everything except a ‘jetwash’!!'Depending how often you use it… a cover can be a pain and you shouldn’t really use it if the car gets wet!!! I just wax mine every week to protect it.CheersTim

Unless of course, you’ve got leaking door and rear window seals like on mine…

thanks guys

Engine cover leaks on mine very precisely dripping water onto the coil.