Hi… Some days ago I overfilled the header tank with maybe 1 cm… I dident have anything to remove it with… So I left it like that for some days… today I made some drag to push the car . to make sure she’s fit for Croft…
Afterwards I noticed lots of fluid in the engine bay… (on various bits and pices and even on the glass in the roof) …Wasent quite sure what it was… but after some taste samples I figured out it was coolant liquid…( … was kind of hoping it was oil…then I might had a nice excuse to make the conversion sooner)
According to the manual the excess coolant will be ejected when the engine is warm… But where from… could’t quite figure out where it came from… Any ideas???
I see… thought it might come from somewhere else…Since I dident notice any fluid from the pressure cap, or straight up in the roof…(It was more in the rear)… But im sure ure right… I have never seen the pressure cap in action so I guees it dosent have to go straight up from the “nozzel”…
as AndyD says… it sounds like your header pressure cap let of the extra fluid. You should check your ignition coil is clean and dry as coolant is pretty agressive and very capable of eating thru to the insulation and might lead to misfires/failure of the coils.