Overcome by emotion at Brands Hatch

Amid the excitement of a pretty much perfect day on the GP circuit it was gratifying to see the rare and difficult to spot animal known as the Greater Sleeping Shorrocks

Fortunately, there was some more attractive forna to spy

Oooh, splashes of gold in the tail feathers!

Good to see you bud. :slight_smile:

In all seriousness I’d gladly chip in if we could do shakedown track days where we pay for John to be on hand to help with tweeks!

In my defence it was very hot!!

where can i buy one of those red things? what is it

Lotus Special Operations Executive
Tyne and Wear

It’s a bin. Talk to your local authority. :wink:

The big, red and gold stripey thing is very cool, have a search for Evora GTE. Much want!

What no mouth open shot! Sort it Steve :mrgreen:

Possibly being of more senior years than you youngsters … I prefer this one … very classy, but still rather Sharkish!

What a brilliant event, my first ever visit to Brands Hatch and I loved it!

What he said, A LOT!!!

:smiley: Ha Ha they are fun, as was Brands. I do think mine was the only one with a child seat and strewn with lego! They make great every day cars! :laughing: