Great Track day at Oulton park Today ! Weather could not have been better 25 degrees all day with unbroken sunshine. A few Lotus cars mixed in amongst the other track cars. Two Mk1 Exiges a Mk 2 Exige, some 190 and 160 sports both Mk1 and Mk 2’s. Very high standard of driving all day, no stopages…

Thanks to the other Lotus drivers for the tyre pressure advice and also to the gent for the passenger ride in both the Exige and the caterham superlite both individually good experiences…

My Exige ran faultless all day long after being subjected to heavy use all day carrying passengers and all this in blistering hot conditions; Even the MMC’s stayed on mega form all day long.

I would love to see an exige track day at this venue in the near future as it is well suited to the car; BUT I’m sure you all already know this !!

Don�t suppose you have any pictures, it sounds like you’ve had a brilliant day


As it happens yes… I was out on the track most of the day so all my picks are stills of the paddock area and our trackday crew…So a bit boring but there was the professional trackday photographer on hand. i have purchased one of the discs as they got some crackers of my car especially the passing manouver on the carrera RS which was nice, and looks even better. Will try somehow to post these as and when they send them to me…


If you need somewhere to host them, send me a P.M and I�ll be happy to stick them on our server.


I was there too driving shangani’s elise

Oulton is a fabulous track