Oulton Park Today

Did my first trackday at Oulton Park today, have to say it really is a cracking circuit, especially when it dries!

Good to see a few S2 EXiges taking part (one sans roof to keep Pesky happy ) as well as another S1.

Good to see Pesky turn up in the afternoon and Rob123 in the morning, sorry I didn’t talk longer Rob.

Video Lap

Good to see you too

Yep, Oulton in the dry is fantastic

I did have a good chuckle when I saw the S2 with the soft top in place - I’d walked past it 3 times thinking it was an Elise, before realising what it started life as, before it was buthered & ruined

Unfortunately “domestic chores” meant I couldn’t get there until 3pm, & I was tempted to see if I could go out for an hour, before some horrible black clouds appeared

Must say, there were some “tasty motas” out on track too

hi mark nice to meet you, glad you enjoyed it,you were unlucky with the weather ive done about 8 track days at oulton and never been on a wet track.got my new front discs on order (just posted a qu on qu&ans about bleeding brakes).booked day at oulton on tues 17.good to see a great lotus turn out.

I always think it was a shame they put the chicanes in at Oulton, it changed the whole character of the circuit from a fantastic one for people with giant balls to just a great one. Well I would think that, I live 20 mins from Cadwell!

I still love Oulten mind you.

I like Oulton, but it doesn’t like me - every time I go there to drive, it rains !!!

(Like, three times in a row !!)

Another good vid Mark… cheers

Sorry I didn�t get chance to speak to you, I was in the silver S1+purple Elise. I followed you for a couple of laps after coming on track as I had the video running. Got about two laps of you from quite close behind complete with flames! Car looked great.
Am not sure how to put the film up but if you give details I can e-mail it to you.
Oulton is my top UK track for sure.
Good to see the clown in the green Ginetta didn�t last long � in one session he cut up half a dozen people and put me on the grass on the pit straight!!


Nice vid - nice lines and crisp heel and toeing !!

Is that a DL90 mouse I see on your dashtop ??

If so, does it work there OK ???


Not a DL90 it’s the reciever for my Micro Road Pilot.

Also no heel and toeing, legs are too long to do that!


I was looking out for you to have a chat but never seemed to see you around the car. You obviously knew your way round, it helped being behind you at times as I found the best line through druids in the wet, which meant I had something called steering some of the time . I was a bit tentative in the wet as the Toyos just weren’t working, and they weren’t great in the dry either, really wish I had stuck to the Yoko’s.
I had the camera running at the same time as you I guess and have some footage of you but not much as the Porsche GT3 had the engine overheat or whatever it was, lots of steam/smoke anyway.
Ginetta driver was a nightmare, I was struggling to get him to understand that he was supposed to pull over and I was behind you when you had your problems on the pit straight, I eventually got past him but he then held up very badly the guy driving the Pale Blue 911 RSR who was ready to kill him apparantly. After your incident Marcus and Paul (from LOT) had a word and the bloke realised he was fully in the wrong and removed his own wristbands and went home. Apparantly he said he was getting confused between trackdays and racing and thought he was in a race. Good to see it was sorted out quickly.

If the video file isn’t huge you can probably just email it to me at <[email protected]>. If it is huge then drop me an email and I’ll send you some details on where to upload it.

A few pictures from the day HERE.

Also a couple of S1 Exiges