Oulton Park 28th May

Trevor, Martin & myself are booked in - anyone else? http://www.bookatrack.com

Hi Pesky,Went to Oulton Park yesterday, what a fantastic circuit (we were let lose on the International config).Ran the car on slicks for the first time, and it was superb, only problem was the pads were cooked - really smoking after the first really hard session (Padget Blues). They settled down a bit as the day progressed, but on inspection I don’t know whether the pads were at fault or if the disks have just worn away, there is now very little bevelled edge to the cross drilled holes - which maybe having an effect on cooling.It was a pretty hot day 22/23 degrees, but has anyone have a similar experience or any ideas - need to get them working for the hairpin at Cadwell next week.It was also the first day I have done with EasyTrack - and it wasn’t a good experience. I only had 2 sessions where the 20minutes wasn’t red flagged for either someone spinning or breaking down. Thanks to the Radical S3 driver who broke down and decided to park on the track rather than collect a little grass on his splitter…most inconsiderate.Look forward to a better organised and friendlier day next week!

Pesky, it depends on wheter DVA will have finished the job by then…later,Bruno

PaulI did Oulton for my first (& only)time last December. Although the wether staed fine, the track was very greasy/slippy until early afternoon - particularly at Druids at the second apex under the trees - scareeee!!!I too think its a fantastic circuit, & am really forward to the 28th May [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]With regards brake pads, have you seen Owen Geddes’s site http://www.race-speed.com/ ?CU next week.

PaulMartin, Steve & I went to Oulton last month & although I had troubles with my car Martin’s car ran well, apart from the brakes over heating( always a problem at that venue). He was also using the Pagid blues, I gave him an old set of my R14 Pagid’s solved the juddering & heat build up you will get using slicks. Try them, I know you’ll love em. Trevor

ok Jonny, has swapped me over to Oulton Park as i cant now make Cadwell…see you there [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image]