Oulton Park 20th Feb..

Next Friday with BookaTrack… I’m having a blast in a BatCat as it’s early season and very reasonably priced…

Anyone joining me? :smiley:

Would love to bud but I’m at Donny the following day (Saturday) with Sean and I have commitments on Friday so can’t swap.

I reckon you’re just trying to get some sneaky practice in before Drift Championship next month,…eh eh :smiley:

Secretly praying for a nice damp day :wink:

So how did you go Dave?

I’m not at Donny tomorrow as I’ve been laid up :frowning:

What’s up buddy ?

Today was awesome… tricky conditions in the morning, very damp and slippy but great for learning some feel… steadily drying all day and end of the day it was pretty much dry everywhere.

Learnt a lot today though… I’ll even admit to a little spin in the morning :blush:

Great, great little cars… I still want one! :smiley:

Sounds like great fun. Yeah I still want one too bud. This one looks nice :sunglasses: :


I’ve been laid up due to a kidney stone. Woke up yesterday with abdominal pain which got worse and worse until I blacked out :open_mouth: Went to A&E, CT scan confirmed it. Seriously unpleasant experience and as a result I don’t feel up to Donny tomorrow. Kinda sobering though, one minute you’re getting up to make a cuppa, the next you’re laid out on a hospital bed full of morphine, looking at ceiling tiles as you’re wheeled through the hospital for a scan.

Sorry to hear that Ben - hope you’re fully fit again soon. As previously discussed, doing things whilst you can makes more & more sense as time goes by! :wink:

renal colic sounds no fun at all! Has it passed now?

Yeah all good now it seems. I think sometimes we all need a wake up call to not be complacent about our health and that as Rob says just get on with things.

Glad you’re ok now Ben, it sounds as though it was quite painful.

Ouch! not a pleasant way to spend the day! Hope you are feeling better soon matey - if it makes you feel any better I’m not sure it’s the best weather forecast for Donny today!

Must have been frightening experience benja

Glad you are ok bud

As above buddy, very very glad to hear you are on the mend.

Sounds horrible. Hope all is soon 100%.

All the best Ben. Glad your on the mend. 4 weeks to the drift day and only 6 till Anglesey, that got to cheer anyone up. It’s been keeping me going at work of late.

Glad it was a quick fix, Ben. Any decent scars?

Cheers lads. OK it was fookin’ painful/scary, but anything that is done in 24hrs and the remedy is drink more water,…well I feel pretty bloody lucky. I get the wake-up call with none of the long term consequences.

Anyways as Will says 4 weeks til the Drift showdown and then its Anglesey time :sunglasses: I need to get the car out before then seeing as I missed today. Maybe the noisy day on Tue 10th March…:question:

Erm about that drift day… I’ve torn the meniscus in my right knee and I’m awaiting a date for keyhole surgery. It’s been proper painful to put weight on or twist. I’m unsure if having it before Orlando is a good thing with two weeks of activity, doesn’t really lend itself well for recovery. So I’m likely to woman up, eat Nurophen for breakfast and lunch over a three week period, kind of go with that. I’ll be honest, it’s doing FA now so I’ll presume it’ll do FA later. I had thought about getting an cortisone injection early…and then again whilst away $$$ but have no idea if that’ll help or for how long.

Ben do you watch Friends…

I was day dreaming about what gauge lines to run my gearbox cooler with, and fell down a flight of stairs. Landed on my left elbow and put my right knee through the balustrade. At the time it was my knee that hurt but few days later elbow was still swollen. Hoping it’s just a middling bursitis, but over a week later and still uncomfortable so praying it’s not a fracture; either should be fine for Anglesey though, need them to wrestle my new LSD.

Crawling around on the floor under a lotus doesn’t help though!

We’re all getting old

Maybe we should ask admin to set up a dedicated ‘decrepitude’ section of the forum eh!

Hope you both get better too eh. I did a track day with my arm in a cast Tim,… You’ll be fine :wink: