
Anybody going to this one

nope can’t manage this

Just booked it, so I’ll be there. Weather reports looking good at the mo’ as well

Russmeister & myself will be there. Russ will be in the Gaylardy, & with a bit of luck, the Edwards Boyz will have my car ready for me on Friday (new springs/re-con Nitrons/service)

So you can make it next weekend to Knockhill?



I know you will not be amused, but I’m sorry I won’t be able to join you, Rox & the other Jocks, although I had thought it possible until earlier this evening.

Some months ago, RobS, invited Russ & myself to attend (with our Exiges for display etc) the official opening of his Lotus Dealership in Milton Keynes. Of course, we were delighted to accept, but the date had at that stage not been finalised. A few weeks ago, Rob let us know that the opening was planned for Thursday 20th October. However, this evening Rob phoned to advise that the date had been changed to Saturday 22nd October.

So, mon amigo, there you have it. I’m really very sorry, but at least I’ll be doing something Exige related! Hope you don’t give up on us southern wusses - we will do it, hopefully sometime next year

I’m booked for KH Uldis, should be just run-in…

Will see you there!