Oulton from an Audi powered perspective

Here is a race report for MattC…

The car was in its smart new light blue and orange livery, complete with cooling vents on top of the front wings, a bit like sharks gills !!

First qualifying went really well for us, and we managed to get a good grid position - 3rd !! However at the start, Matt blushingly admitted that he missed a gear, and lost a couple of places…

Nevertheless he battled on and was very very fast, and he made up those places to finish third, if I remember rightly.

The second race was the 60 minute endurance and again Matt qualified in third place, but this time he got the gears right and stormed into the lead…

I was dressed up in my full fireproof kit - long johns, vest, balaclava, and of course race suit and helmet, ready to do the obligatory 4 minute fuel stop and driver change…

Bloody hell - respect to the formula one boys - we barely managed the whole thing with 15 seconds to spare!!!

(You must get the driver out before you start refuelling, and we needed two jerry cans, changing the nozzle from one to the other as well - then you get the next driver in place)

Matt handed over to Ryan Flippance who did a superb job - pretty fast and consistent - and not throwing it all away by overdriving - well done Ryan…

Final driver change went smoothly, but we had no idea what position we were in, what with everyone coming in and out of the pits, - then Matt was back out…

We ended up in fourth place, and we won our class, so a good day out !!

Mechanically the car was a dream, with no problems, though the brakes got pretty hot towards the end…

I’ll post a link to the results when they are out !!

Cheers mike

What about your Silverstone course? It wasn’t a pit-crew one was it? And your car, how’s that coming along?



Really sorry that I couldn’t spend much time with you, Matt & Bernard - but you know the reason why! The other knock on effect was that I didn’t manage to see much of the day’s racing at all, except for the mid 1/2 hour of the Endurance Race. Will be at Le Mans in June & July, so won’t be able to get to the meetings in those months - hope “Matt’s Team” continue onwards & upwards.

PS Who are you trying to kid with “cooling vents on top of the front wings” - even I know that they’re there to assist with downforce, not cooling!!!

Thanks for that Mike, and congrats to Matt for the third place.


cool report cheers - bet you were tempted to jump in the drivers seat instead of foggin around with jerry cans eh…

congrats to Matt keep em coming…

You guessed it - my plan is to be in the driving seat before too long

Excellent Mike - hope to see you out there soon.