
Nicked from seloc,crash as spa



Oww, thats nasty. Is it just the pic angle or has the front end gone south as well! Still, a bit of a polish and the tracking done, should be OK in no time

Oww, thats nasty. Is it just the pic angle or has the front end gone south as well! Still, a bit of a polish and the tracking done, should be OK in no time

Oh yes—


Poor b@st@rd. Do we know what happened ?

Nobody was hurt… so here is the answer:

[image]> http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f222/lotusman1/ouch.jpg> [/image]

Oh, that is not nice .

Bet he�s glad for that roll cage though… still, what a shame, lovely car .


looks like he lost grip on some water or oil on the track, you can see it 7 secs into the video at the point he starts to go. What a tragedy but I’m glad no one got hurt.

Another one of those things that make you reconsider your track day insurance cover, ouch. So is that more or less run off than Cadwell

You have to pick your place at Cadwell. Just remember (and I intend repeating this a few times having witnessed two actually and many near crashes on a dry day there), after the Mountain (you’ll all know that one) finish your braking before turning-in (right) over the blind crest in to the woods. The crest causes the rear end to go light and it’s very easy to spear off in to the barriers/marshal’s post.

I’m informed that (when racing) there’s virtually no time to be made up through there, so just enjoy it.

I wouldn’t want to crash at Goodwood! There’s only one bend I really felt comfortable giving it some stick through.


Speaking of Cadwell

I wouldn’t agree that there is no time to be made up in the woods section at Cadwell after the mountain, as I tend to make up most of my time there, and the first left hander uphill after the finish. However I would say that there is no chance of overtaking there in race conditions.
The past 3 times at Cadwell I’ve seen 3 write offs, 1 of which ran head on into the short circuit gap on the right just before the mountain. The driver was airlifted to hospital and the track day was stopped. It is a fantastic circuit though, once you get to know it

Saying all that though, I was at Elvington in April which is probably the safest place as far as hitting stationary objects is concerned. A chap in a Fiesta (race trim) still managed to roll 5 times on the entry to the chicane after the straight going 100+mph.

Stay safe out there kids. I always trackday with insurance even though I’m a driving God!!!

Is that by any chance the same location where Jackal crashed his Duratec R Caterham?

the first left hander uphill after the finish.

I followed you up there and you were braking you puff

Just trying to blow my own trumpet. C’mon I bet you’ve all tried that!

Is that by any chance the same location where Jackal crashed his Duratec R Caterham?

Not at all…