Orange exige S1 thro' Little Ouseburn, york

Is the guy who has the oranage s1 exige who drives through Little Ouseburn near Green Hammerton, York, on this site??

If so, where do you get your car serviced?

I’m not telling you!

Hi Fella - It’s probably me? If the one you saw was speeding or comitting a henious driving crime then it must have been the other one I sometimes see in the same area…

I do the Oil and filters in between. I take it to Chris Foulds in Honley Huddersfield for the sheduled services and appropriate stamps/ MOT etc…

Took it to Dan at Jude Performance Services in Newcastle for the Emerald and Verniers fitting. I did most of the Emerald work and Dan did the verniers and timing.

Before I got it (when it lived in Castle Donnington) The Edwards Bros worked their magic on it. Before that it was Storm in Leicester I think.

I would rather let one of our tropical fish tank snails do the servicing than take it to a dealer.

So do you live in that sexy picture post card village then?

Yep, Im from that village, Im often out walking our dogs with the wife and have seen an orange exige going through there a few times…very nice. I took an orange one out for a test drive a few years ago, that colour is stuning. Im looking to get one soon, so info on the deallers who are close will be very useful.

If you see us out with 2 very woolly airdales, give it some throttle!

Cool - I have been passing through there for a good few years now. My MG (1500 Midget…I know I know - I was only 19 at the time so knew no better ) conked and two old boys from the village helped me. The guy at the end house by the lodge (opposite village hall) - a retired copper??? Good blokes. That was about 18 years ago!!!

If you are after an S1 it’s not likely to be found at a dealer unless it’s a mint low miler for top money. S2 is the easy option. More about and less of a pain to live with

Both are great cars despite the banter on here

I’m usually passing Satdi morning b4 09.00hrs and after 16.30hrs - I got an Emerald recently so have turned off my bangs and pops - perhaps I’ll get the lappy out and turn on the flames


That’s just sooo last month!!!