Oil temp query

Simple question - what kind of oil temp should I expect in gentle cruising on a fully warmed up Yota engine? My oil temp gauge is reading only 75 degrees which I just don’t believe as the coolant seems to settle at about 88. The sender is installed in a sandwich plate between the filter and the take-off plate for the oil cooler feed pipes, and I have tested the gauge and sender by dipping the sender tip in boiling water and it read bang on 100. I know oil temp gauges are notoriouly unreliable, but it does seem odd that it apparently reads correct at 100 c in water, but seems to read low measuring the temp of the oil at the filter. Any ideas anyone?


I’d tend to believe it. As you dont have the oil-water heat exchanger of the basic spec cars there isn’t much other than friction heating your oil up so it will sit quite low compared to the coolant unless you are on track where it will get a bit higher. 75 is plenty warm enough. How long does it take the get to 60 compared to the coolant reaching 85?

I’d tend to believe it. As you dont have the oil-water heat exchanger of the basic spec cars there isn’t much other than friction heating your oil up so it will sit quite low compared to the coolant unless you are on track where it will get a bit higher. 75 is plenty warm enough. How long does it take the get to 60 compared to the coolant reaching 85?

It gets to 60 about as quickly as the coolant gets to 85, and up to 70 soon after. I hadn’t realised that the oil/water exchanger in the standard cars warmed the oil when cold as well as cooled it when hot, although I guess it is pretty obvious when you think about it. I will be taking the car on tack at Knockhill on Friday, so it will be interesting to see what oil temps I get after 20 consecutive laps.

After typing the above I went and looked for the relevant bit of the service manual. Apparently the stat for the oil cooler feed doesn’t start to open until 72 degrees and is fully open at 80, which does suggest that 70 ish is about right for gentle running in normal conditions.

Whan starting from cold, at what sort of temp does the oil start fully protecting the engine? - i.e how long inbto my journey to work do I have to wait before wringing the car’s neck
