Oh I envy you so MUCH!!!

Hello everyone .Just poped in to say that I truly and amazingly Envy you all Exige Owners !Had a brief experience at the wheel of a very Generous friend of mine , and absolutely loved it !I can’t aford one , but one day who knows !I have other cars of mine , but nothing like an Exige .I Envy you all !!!Cheers !

Right NunoRS sell the other cars and buy an Exige!!A lot of owners use them as an every day to day car (to work and back etc) and once you have got used to the beast you do not mind the ride.Anyway i always smile when i get into mine for a drive, even if it is to go to the shops, Mark.[This message has been edited by mcdermom (edited 11 April 2003).]

quote:Originally posted by NunoRS:Hello everyone .Just poped in to say that I truly and amazingly Envy you all Exige Owners !Had a brief experience at the wheel of a very Generous friend of mine , and absolutely loved it !I can’t aford one , but one day who knows !I have other cars of mine , but nothing like an Exige .I Envy you all !!!Cheers !I can’t afford my car either half of the time, but the wife and kids don’t mind going hungry for weeks on end and living in the same clothes for years.Currently moving into garden shed to free up more income!!!

Yep, as Tubbs says sacrifices (preferably by others close 2 you) must be made if you want to reach nirvana. [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]

Well I have the advantage that I am single , and no one depending on my income) [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]Ok , getting an Exige over here is not so Easy like in the UK , but there were 4 for sale in Germany for arround 50 000 euros !2 of them in Chrome Orange [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]That makes me wonder…

Looking at getting an Exige and will have to take out a very big loan to buy one. looks like i will be very poor for the next four years.not driven one yet but i just know i will love it.hope to have one by late summerthen bring on the track days…