Number Plate

Trying to get a new front plate for the car. Just looking for a direct replacement for what I had before.
Legal standard lettering but on a small plate. 465mm by 95mm. Place I used to get then just refunded my order as not currently working. All the usual suspects don’t seem to do true custom sizes. Any ideas?

Don’t do that or have you already tried them?

That was simple. Thanks. Ben.
When I’d tried them before thought the only did specific sizes.
I needed to go through the show plates route.

Seen these do custom sizes as well

Another thumbs up for

They will make anything you want to any size and great service.

I do recall you need to tick a box saying they’re not liable when you go off the legal piste.

used them loads as well, always get the plates I need :wink:

I’ve seen private reg I fancy for my Exige, do you think you would get away with having no spaces between letters/numbers if they were the correct size.

Nope. I have been done for mis-spacing around our area. I had M888RK H on a full size, legal plate and was given a £60 fine. Depends on the copper, but had been pulled for it previously.

You will get away with it for a bit, but it seems they are given targets to reach, so will crack down for a couple of weeks of the year.

Been ok for 8 years with mine EX51GE F but it is a risk, caught once pay the fine, caught twice pay the fine and change the plates as the 3rd time they will probably take the plate off you (note: only to resell to allow someone else to do the same thing again!)

And as a bonus once you’ve been pulled over it gives them a good excuse to wander round and check you tyres etc for anything else you can be “booked” for.

Only worth braking this law if you’re squeeky clean and super vain :wink: :laughing: