Not instead of an exige....

…but as well as:

<LINK_TEXT text=“YouTube … RubofSy7jE”>YouTube</LINK_TEXT>

I really like these

Oh yes!

Mmmm (might still have a 991 GT3)

Yeah that is properly classy :sunglasses:

There would be some tough choices for a gentlemen’s express at that price point…

Sounds like a modern F1 car… boring!

Nice drive though!

I really like Harris… he drives like he is on ice!!! :sunglasses:

yeah but on first pass I’d have this over a 997 turbo or AM V8 etc

Yes please, I usually hates Mercs, but I want that one… unless I went past an Aston showroom on the way to buy it :wink:

aston need to raise their game, the v8 is OLD and looks it (especially inside), and TBH I’d rather have an F-type

A bit fugly imho

Agree on the F Type, as for Aston look at the new Bond DB10, this is rumoured to actually be the replacement V8 with a few tweaks :wink:

I was once taken round Oulton in a 500bhp turbo 911, it certainly lacks something on track. So yes, I agree.

Oh hang on, yes, agree with that more. :laughing:

Was that Sean’s 996 Turbo Ian? Didn’t he say it was like a turbo sofa :laughing:

Yeah I’m with Tim I like them and would be tempted over any of the usual suspects at that price point.

Yeah sure the 911 turbo is mega, and yes please to a GT3. However IF you have a track weapon and want a GT stormer then the merc coupe will be rarer and different to the usual fodder.

Rarer than a GT3, really? I think Surrey will be swimming in GTs in 2016.

I think the current GT3 (non-RS, not that a 991 RS exists yet) is pretty blooming usable these days. Although kinda too usable, it’d be a waste of rubber just pootling about in it.

Yeah there will be a few of 'em for sure. I don’t really think of a GT3 as a gents express, it’s just too hardcore. It’s not a car that you’d want to cross continents in. The Merc, I reckon that would be perfect for popping down to Hungary to hook up with Wes and Pierre :sunglasses:

This place has become SELOC all of a sudden :wtf:

All you German fanboys need to go and wash your dirty, dirty mind with some soap and water. Make sure it is carbolic soap too

I doubt there will be that many around, and if there is then used bargain ahoy.

I see that evo has done a AMG GT vs 991 GTS storey, might have a read.

Soooorry Tim :blush:

It’s winter and the mind wanders.

Yeah my 996 turbo was awful on track. And it wasn’t standard, it had mental coilovers that they put on GT3’s to make them better. It had GT2 brakes and looooooooooads of boooost!!!

At the end of the day though, in my opinion, it was just a big heavy wallowy barge. was bloody fast though.

On the road it was awesome. It’s weight wasn’t such an issue.

As a fast road car that does the odd track day, then its OK.

I have to say though, when I first got an S2, I thought that was a big heavy wallowy barge compared to my S1. I never thought I would enjoy tracking an S2. I guess you get used to it though.