Not having a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Seriously - no honest

A client of ours has just come back and was astounded by the appearance and quantity of these ‘ladies’.

Dont quote me - only passing on info. Theres loads a wimmin and not many blokes. They are real life Ting Tongs without the ‘ding dong’!!!

What about an Exiges.COM club visit???

Count me in!!!

But do they like football???

Ian, I have met your better half and she is the only reason you have not ironed a shirt in years. Tell me I am wrong. LOL

Lovely though she is, I’m afraid you’re wrong!

When we first got married, and were both working, she wanted me to take on some ‘chores’, and I ended up with ironing. By the end of week 2 I had discovered Mr Heusen and have never looked back!


Amsterdam is part of the answer!

LOL… How the fook do you get a shirt ironed in Amsterdam ?

Amsterdam is part of the answer!

LOL… How the fook do you get a shirt ironed in Amsterdam ?

The same way everything else is done in Amsterdam. It gets laid out on a flat surface and then rubbed all over with something ‘hot and moist’

…I’m led to believe.