not a lotus but thought i'd share

sorry if the photos are too big [image][/image]
i may not have a lotus yet but trying to keep with the theory of speed through lightness!!
considering either going all out modifying it or just return to standard and save for exige!!

Hi Deano, ran one of these for 4.5 yrs loved it! Tended to eat tyres though or was that my driving!!

how’d you find the change to an exige?


how you doing matey! Still looking into them then mate!

I also had one before the exige! loved it! n if i moved out again id have to get another


Best colour too!

alright jay
how you doing mate?
not spoken to you in a while
yeah still looking,hopefully within the year.
thinkin of returning the teg to standard and selling all the skunk2 parts i have to commit myself to the exige!

Will let you know,due to collect next week.

Will let you know,due to collect next week.

haha thought you had it already!good luck hope you like it
you ever go on

dean im cool cheers mate, yeah prob best putting it back to standard, you never seem to make the money back

seen any you like? s1 or s2? hahaha decisions decisions…

dean im cool cheers mate, yeah prob best putting it back to standard, you never seem to make the money back

seen any you like? s1 or s2? hahaha decisions decisions…

s1 of course mate!!like the hardcore looks plus 240 cup is far too expensive!!!
if i cant stretch to the exige then i’d rather have the s2 elise over the s1 for posuer reasons!!
but really hankering afetr the s1 exige.
how is yours running now?

yeah its fantastic mate, got a new hub, ball joints tyres etc etc… but is perfect now

you wont regret it dude