Northern Chapter meet

All that way for half an hour??

i’m oot :open_mouth:

Me too :thumbdown:

Thanks for the injection of Northern humour. See you there. :lolno:

You know me so well Steve.

I’ll need to convince the Mrs now as we get the keys to the new place on Friday :unamused:

You’ll need a break after carrying her over the threshold :wink:

Ooh I’ll tell her that :slight_smile:

Weather forecast looks pretty bad for the weekend :frowning:

Not brilliant, but not 80mph winds and snow, so I’d like to go for it.

Thommo, I’m happy to meet for a drive up and butties even if the weather is rubbish.


Sound! Will keep in touch

Still good for me guys. :slight_smile:

Good to hear that, we all need a catch up, rain or no rain☔️

Still good for me.

See you there boyz…although I’ll be there in the Nismo :frowning:

Yes, still keen. Mrs T coming along too.

Apologies, not going to make it now. Have a good chin wag folks :smiley:

God, you’re so fickle!

Sadly I am out too :frowning:

Keys to the new house received yesterday and Mrs T_M has booked a removals visit for 10.30am tomorrow. Bu99er. :blush:

Weather looks dodgy, I hope it goes ahead and you have a good meet.

Hard luck, Tim.

A small but exclusive band, then

Me and Christine good to go, see you about 10.30am :slight_smile: