Northern Chapter meet

How about a meeting before Anglesey at Filling Station, Keswick?
Sunday, Feb 22?
Sunday, Mar 1?

Sounds a good idea thommo, I have not been there for a while.

Sounds like a plan guys

We have had enough snow today so should be no more now :wink:

Will endeavour to be there, whichever date.

Good, oh! Glad to see there is some interest, Tim, Andrew, Lee, and Paulf1965 yet to express and interest. And then there are the lads from the north-east . . .

Im good for either of those dates.


March 1st is good for me

Either date is good for me currently (immanent house move permitting)

I hope it all goes well for you Tim.

Sundays are generally OK for me. Let me know the final date.

Let’s go for Feb 22
(Sorry, ad_S)

Sorry i was napping yes good for me just need to ask my good pal Steve for a lift as car still in dry dock :laughing:

No problem, i might be able to attend but wont know till nearer the time

22nd it is thommo

seat booked for you Lee :slight_smile:

Will do my best to get across & maybe get a couple of others to join me,
Probably hinges on how late a night we have the night before think it’s the Martin Donnelly evening at the Buckles on the 21st you’d all be welcome if you fancy the drive over?

Thommo are you going to the Buckles, then you can get Martin to sit in the drivers seat and take it above four and a half thousand revs again :laughing:

Thanks, Ishy, it would be good to see you. Can’t make the Martin Donnelly evening as I will be at work until quite late.
Pay no attention to the fatuous comments posted above by Mr Fisher!

Are we still on for the meet at the Filling Station, Keswick, this Sunday?
The weather forecast does not look good at the moment …

Still good for me Steve :slight_smile:

Can we leave the decision until Friday/Saturday morning please? Will need to get my car " out of storage" on Saturday - approx. 1 hour each way Chez Pesky.