North East meets North West!

Pesky, Gav, et al,

You still okay for that curry over your way on Monday night?

Looking forward to it, I can smell that Jalfrezi already!

Curry ? this in the North West or North East ??

Yes mate!

Curry ? this in the North West or North East ??

Hi Dave,

It’s in Peskycountry, an Indian just near The Reebok I think. as thats where im working the day after…Bolton v Fulham, I get all of the BIG games!!!

Fancy it?

Would love to if I can be cheeky and invite myself !

Would love to if I can be cheeky and invite myself !

Oh i’m sure Mr.P won’t mind…!

and one more?

Dave & everyone else-

The more, the merrier, so turn up if you can

Plan is to meet at 7pm at “Scotts”, which is adjacent to the Reebok Stadium, located at J6 of M61.

Jeesus its more west then north east/north west…

Jeesus its more west then north east/north west…

You’re won’t be joining us then?

Are me and Nigel allowed or is it “anoraks” only

Are me and Nigel allowed or is it “anoraks” only

As long as he doesn’t bring his spanners…

Will you be arriving in one of his taxis? If so, allow at least 3 hours for the 15 mile journey!

Are me and Nigel allowed or is it “anoraks” only

Only if you bring some Exige brochures for us to look at!!!

Dont bloody start that again!

Dont bloody start that again!

Plan is to meet at 7pm at “Scotts”, which is adjacent to the Reebok Stadium, Close to the Arena & Holiday Inn, located at J6 of M61.

Okay chaps, see ya tomorrow

One of the few problems of living up in the wilds of Scotland is that you can not just nip along to a get together like this.

Could murder a curry and some car chat.


I am going to have to cry off.

I have been in agony all weekend with a muscle spasm in my shoulder. Need to rest it.

Catch you guys soon.



Eat with your left hand…

Eat with your left hand…

Or through a straw like me