Noisy track days at Donnington

I’ve been searching everywhere but I can’t find a single noisy day. Does anybody run them?


Slightly off topic but I’ve just come back from Donny today, the pitlane metre had me between 99 & 102db’s the day was as always 98db’s. They kept me out on track as long as I exited Goddards and ran the pitlane…slowly (quietly), not just me but quite a few of us actually Anyhow the local council has come down quite heavy on the track and the noise days are now hardly any with the next towards the end of the year. The marshalls blame the locals

The marshalls blame the locals

Yep, it�s the bloody airline crews who complain about the noise. Ain�t that right, Pete?

Its frustrating when theres so many noisy bike trackdays, to say nothing of the fact that it next door to a bloody airport!

It’ll cost a fair chunk of money to get my car down to 98dB and I’m itching to get out at Donnington

The marshalls blame the locals

Yep, it�s the bloody airline crews who complain about the noise. Ain�t that right, Pete?

Sorry mate… cannot hear you… what did you say???

It’s a load of b…ks in my view! Those bloody great 42,000 lb thrust engines make a great deal more noise than my 1.8 litre K… (not as nice though!)

AND they dont slow down over the pit lane either! Time to black flag them and have more days off!!!

I’ve been searching everywhere but I can’t find a single noisy day. Does anybody run them?


There are plenty of noisy days at Donington but they are run as test days rather than track days. If you are an experienced track day warrior this shouldn’t present any real problems but you will need a race licence (SEE MSA PAGE) and must expect to be joined by some well developed and very quick racing machinery and much less track etiquette than a track day.

See TEST DAYS for details.

Agree with Mike there, ALTHOUGH your “standard trackday insurance” won�t cover you on a test day.

PS Test days also tend to be sessioned.

Does the car need to be caged for a test day?


I am 99.9% sure you have to have a cage, a master cut off switch and a plumbed in extinguisher to do a test day.

To be hoinest though it is worth it. Track days do my head in to be honest, with allof this slowing down to follow people round corners and only over taking on the left. Test days are pretty much anything goes. But I have to say I feel soooooo much safer on a test day, because at least everyone around you is experianced. I’m sure we have all had some numpty in a nova turn in on us at the last minute etc etc etc.

Have to say that although it was a bit daunting doing my first test day last week, once I was out on track I didn’t find it a problem at all.

Sure, you have to get used to people overtaking you in the corners and cars being much closer, but personally that was good experience for me and it’s something that you need to get used to if you are planning on racing at some stage.

Wouldn’t recommend it for someone new to trackdays, but then I guess those people wouldn’t have a race license anyway (something you do need to do test days).

Got the license, just not a cage in this car. Been thinking about making some enquires anyway.

Worth checking, as there was a Vauxhall Zafira flying round Donny last Thursday (spraying gravel all over the circuit).

Pretty sure that thing didn’t have a cage in.

I have never seen a car checked on a test day. I am sure an Exige would be fine???

I’ve club raced bikes until recently and still hold an ACU licence so I can attend bike test days so I’m not too fussed about close passing, so long as its clean.

Lack of trackday insurance is a pain in the arse though

How much do test days typically cost?

Does the car need to be caged for a test day?

As far as I know, there is NO scrutineering for a test day, ergo the car does not need to have a cage as per MSA regs (but, of course it is sensible to have one and equally ‘of course’ all Exiges have at least a roll hoop which is pretty effective). You will be asked to sign a disclaimer that your car is fit for purpose though and you will need a race licence.

The clue is in the name - a test day is for testing race cars but many driver use them to get to know (new to them) venues in their hire car…