No Dremel Required

Yup its easy to imagine because of the drivel I’m subjected to.

Why do you think I’m posting on here? Its not because something compelling has been selected for the TV I tells ya!

Yeah you can pax with him when you have a go at beating any of those figures :open_mouth:

Anglesey that year was funny, your two customers; Quo and ‘Barrel-Roll-Beadsmoore’ both having a good go at unwinding many hours of your hard labour on lap1 :laughing:

watching the total recall remake here on sky store, as for once it was cheaper than google play

It’d be great if the youtube channel had just enough income for those boys to earn a living off it, the production values are just high enough for me not to skip through the video

Best movie moment ever…

yeah I’m not so much of a brunette fan but was like “id die a happy man” being in that scene

I guess you need to have seen the movie, that pic does not give so much away…

if I’d directed that scene, it would have just so happened that she’d been fresh from shower and used the towel as a weapon :angel:

I started the film thinking “this will be shite” so actually quite enjoyed it.

And finally . . back to Project Binky. Fabulous, only watched first episode but will definitely be viewing the rest.

Brilliant, that passed a few minutes while sat on this broken A330…
Software problem is not what you want to hear on an Airbus!

Project Binky - Episode 8 - Austin Mini GT-Four - Turbocharged 4WD Mini - YouTube

ep8 is out :slight_smile:

More wow and another 20 minutes well spent watching it

Loving it!

EP9 uploaded

these guys are hilarious and i absolutely adore their work! There so much great engineering going into that.

Project Binky - Episode 10 - Austin Mini GT-Four - Turbocharged 4WD Mini - YouTube

loads more episodes