Nice motor for sale

Have you seen this?


I’m pretty sure Pesky knows about this car…

Actually, you can read all about it on the “Projects” section of EliseParts

PS - shame on the BIG wheels, it’s going to be rubbing all over at more than a moderate pace (or straight line)

Its one of Geary Powells project cars…

I’m pretty sure Pesky knows about this car…

No comment.

Actually, you can read all about it on the “Projects” section of > EliseParts >

PS - shame on the BIG wheels, it’s going to be rubbing all over at more than a moderate pace (or straight line)

Was going to say it looks a lot like the car on Eliseparts, and as you say it turns out it is that one…

Seems to have had a LOT of engine work done on it… big wheels look quite nice, but I think you’re right, there will be clearance problems…

What is the general view on this car though?? Pesky, why don’t you want to comment?? Is this not a good car??

Pesky, why don’t you want to comment?? Is this not a good car??

Don’t know anything about the car, other than what has already been posted, therefore “no comment”.

Shocking! It’s missing the head lamp covers!


It was smoking quite badly in the video that shows Jon being nicked by the police.

I managed to download the mpeg video he has in the ebay ad, showing when he was nicked, and I don’t really see how that can lead to an 18 month ban.

Ok, yes, he was probably close to 90mph, before he realized a police car was behind them, but only for about 10 sec. After that hew was about on the speed limit, and you can still hear the police outraged by the speed.
There is nothing I see in the video that could be classed as dangerous driving.

As I said before, I was (naively) very pro-police, until I realized what kind of job they are pushed to do. Disgusting!

I am now very much against-police, and very much will continue to be until they stop being so alarmist and using motorists as cash machines.

Very true -especially the opening comment by the police “How old can he be”

Phil, Uldis

How long did it take you to download the mpg file for this?

I’ve tried 3 times and i always give up because the transfer rate always settles back to around 5-9 KB/sec so 97MB will take forever…

Dunno Rox, started it and went to bed, it was there in morning

You could try here it may be quicker… [color:“blue”]link removed [/color]

Remember to right click and save as

Yep, left my laptop running overnight to complete the download. One of the guys on SELOC is now hosting it for a faster download speed. See the thread ‘BlownK on ebay!’


It was smoking quite badly in the video that shows Jon being nicked by the police

And smoking quite badly when on track at Bentwaters a while back…

hmmmm not good for engine with only 400 miles on it

Cheers Phil

I just used up around 2hrs of your bandwidth…

How’d he get hold of the original Police vid do you think? Anyway, it doesn’t look deserving of an 18month ban, unless he was already in reciept of ‘big’ points and warnings??

No worries Rox glad you got it, was it quicker? - anyway the link has now been removed as i noticed LOTS of people downloading and it was slowing me down a bit.

There was a dissusion from Jon on the BCBBS after it all happened can’t remember on what was said, think i might go digging in the archives later.

I’m not sure but i think you can request a copy of the video if it is being used to prosecute you, same as a speed camera photo - you entitled to have a copy if you want.


yep it was quicker - settled back to about 15KB/sec

nice to know you can get copy of pics and vids if you are so unfortunate.

let us know if you find owt in archives…


Bottom line was he got banned for 6 months, not 18 months.

thanks Rob