Next Cumbria meet - venue and date heads up

As the last meet was in the north of the county and a bit more of a schlep for anyone travelling from more southerly locations, how about this for a location for the next one:

It’s about 15 mins from J36 on the M6, has loads of parking, an excellent tea room and things to look at too. The house and gardens are superb.

In terms of dates probably the 10th May (Sunday).

Does this work for people?


No can do, sorry, at TLF Brooklands meet that weekend. Venue seems ok, not very southern though lol!
Can’t do the following weekend but can do the 24th?


Need a one slightly more east for us north east lot :slight_smile:

Noted. Will do a Harstside / Alston one at some point too. Bear in mind it’s an hour for even the Cumbrian west coast lot to get to Holker so somewhere the same travel time from most folk may be further west than you think. Happy to receive any suggestions about possible venues

Glad you’ve taken up the organisational baton, Paul. Some good ideas there!

Bit a drive, but definately a nice one if the weather is good