Next Cumbria meet - possible option

Hi all,

Thinking of arranging another Cumbria meet, provisionally weekend 19/20 Sept. Outline plan is meet up at the motor museum then go for a drive over some of the passes and stop somewhere along the way for tea / cake (have a venue in mind but discussions ongoing).

Draft route here: Google Maps

Does this work for people?


:cry: Struggling that weekend


Might be able to manage the Sunday (20th)

Meeting at the Lakeland motor museum 11am Sunday 20th and go from there. Kirkstone and beyond is the plan.

Will check calendar . thanks Paul

Not going to make it, sadly. Need some mileage on the bike to counteract over-indulgence :blush:

Sticking to the strick s1 weight limit them Thommo! Ha ha

Yes,and failed miserably. Mrs T away overnight Sat, cooked high cal meal, supplemented by copious amounts of beer and red wine, woke up too late Sunday to go on planned ride, so went to gym. Followed by . . . GP, footy, rugby, beer, etc, you know the score , . .

Hope you had good meet guys.

I didn’t get back from Hethel in time but fooked after managing 190 miles on track

You need more training like me :smiley:

Thought I had done well with 600 mile round trip getting to Hethel and back

“A” for effort… Must try harder.