Newbie! :)

Hey everyone, thought i would jump on and say hi. I’m Jag, i’m 21 and from Glasgow. I’ve been looking at the forum for over a year and decided to finally post. waves

Always wanted a lotus and was lucky enough to pick up my first Lotus 2 weeks ago, and loving every minute of it

Heres some pics so far.



Welcome - very nice indeed !

21 and and a new exige S with a private plate eh ? Not bad going young man ! sure beats the car I had as a 21 year old student - a fine mini clubman estate in biege with stuck on plastic “wooden” trim !

do like white - looks very cool me thinks !

the car I had as a 21 year old student - a fine mini clubman estate in biege with stuck on plastic “wooden” trim !

Classy - probably beats my shagged Astra 1.2 I had when I was 21. Then again I was not living at home

White does look good mate. Welcome and enjoy the car, make sure you get some driver training so you can keep it looking nice and shiny

Nice work looks lovely!
I am usually based in Edinburgh but I am working in Brum (for my sins ) And there is an white S around the corner from me they look great in the flesh!
Hope to see you at Knockhill soon!

Cheers Jamie

ps have you made it onto Scottish Elises - Index page
Well worth it and you can find out what�s going on locally

Nice very nice, welcome.

Welcome! Nice car!

I wouldn’t fancy paying your insurance premium!

Or finance agreement !

Or finance agreement !

Nice way to welcome someone, with a presumptuous dig.

Hello over here Jag

Yeah sorry, hello Jag and welcome. Good luck with the car

Hi Jag, I am also from Glasgow and have a 2006 Orange Exige S may I ask where you get yours serviced and how you currently find their service.

Did I see your chrome orange exige pass me like the clappers this morning on Langside Drive while I was walking my dog? If so it looked great.
I’ve got an almost double of Jags but with different wheels.
Saw Jags parked at Blythswood Squ with an array of nice motors the other Sunday, what was with the numbers written on the window, were you having a Glasgow Gumball?

Hi, you did see me at langside, thanks for the nice comments.
Did I Pass you down near Muirend one morning ?


Yesterday morning next to Somerfields. That was me.
Looks fantastic in Chrome Orange, always wondered if it made it look like a toy car; until I heard and then saw yours flying down the road looking like a GT racer.
Looks easier to keep clean than white as well.
Do you stay local?
I just plan to take mine to Edinburgh. Swore off MMC after my experience of Glasgow when I had my previous exige, but Graeme and the service boys at Aston seem far better. Bit of a hassle getting to Edinburgh and probably more expensive than a local garage but at least they have knowledge of Lotus. Drivers at Charing cross were good for a tyre repair but you need to order tyres elsewhere if you want them to fit them. No doubt pass you again sometime.

Ain’t seen any of you about yet but look forward to it, got an S in chrome orange with the 7 spoke forged alloys (unfortunately over at John Martin group at the moment having some repairs to it’s rear end after some taxi driver didn’t see it stationery waiting to turn into our house on a 1/4 mile straight). Car is sometimes in byres road (Tinderbox) or out on a raz west coast. Yes you are a lucky boy!! Welcome & enjoy big time, no other car comes close.

White IS the best colour… :slight_smile: Welcome.

Accoriding to Mr Pesky, probably faster also (due to thinner paint!) But does it look as fast when standing still as chrome orange? Just kidding, welcome all, I’m from outside Largs but in Glasgow a lot (normally Byres Road at weekend), look forward to seeing you.