Newbie Track Day Advice

I am due to collect an “S” next week and intend to use it for the odd track day as well as for my daily drive.

Problem is, I have no track experience with cars other than a few wet laps of the 'Ring in my A3 TDi (which BTW beat Clarksons effort by 2 secs on 3rd attempt - ha!).

What would you guys recommend as an easy way in for a novice? I don’t want to be having it out/getting in the way of wannabee F1 test drivers and would appreciate some form of tuition/pointers being available during the session, without paying �500+ for an advanced driver training course until I know I am “in to it”.

Also, my car has the T45 roll bar and harness rail, so I will probably will fit a pair of 4 point belts before getting started, but will I need to consider anything else initially?


Easy to summarise my advice :

  • Get yourself on a Walshy Day see the Car Limits Website. If you are new to lightweight rwd cars he is a must IMO.

  • Join Lotus on Track and go along to one of their novice days or a trackday at Bedford. You are very unlikely to feel intimiated by more experienced drivers on such a day.

Congrats on your purchase and for planning trackdays before you even pick it up

Thanks Benja, I will look into both of those.

Part of the reason I dropped my 911 for the S2 is because I was too “precious” with the car and couldn’t bring myself to hurl it around a track - the Lotus seems so much more right for the job without all the gizmo’s and gadgets etc - so this one is definately going to get some!


I have tracked my S twice since picking it up in October. 1st time with MSV at Snetterton on one of their novice days which are limited to a maximum of 25 cars and secondly with Lotus on Track at Rockingham. On both occasions I took lessons which although frantic at the time, are well worth the money. One thing that I can confirm is the safe feeling you get when driving on a LOT event as driving etiquette is paramount.

Good choise in car, enjoy

Cheers HT. I see from your profile that we aren’t so far apart - I am in Droitwich.

May see you out and about, mines Storm and the number plate will give the game away.

I’ll keep my eyes peeled, seem to be a regular visitor to Nick Whales which is about halfway. Is yours the storm one that they were selling last time I was over there?

That’s the one - I should get it mid next week. Nick Whales already have my old car but the hold up is with the DVLA swapping the plates over.

Did you get yours from there? - I almost bought a black one around last July, but decided to stay with my own car for the rest of the summer - that cost me about �3k!!!

That’s the one - I should get it mid next week. Nick Whales already have my old car but the hold up is with the DVLA swapping the plates over.

Did you get yours from there? - I almost bought a black one around last July, but decided to stay with my own car for the rest of the summer - that cost me about �3k!!!

Yep, dealt with John Willis, very interesting test drive!, smooth transaction and any problems I have had, so far been dealt with quickly. May see you next week, I am dropping it in for two days - engine cover realignment and consequent paint repair, 12v socket not working and top dash replacement.Still loving it though especially on the track.

Good to hear that they “stand on” when you have problems.

My test drive was last Saturday in the torrential rain, so didn’t really get the full show, as it were, but impressed enough to go for it and give it a try.

Might bump in to you there then.

all you need is brake pads and your away.

you may get the bug and want more later as the S does suffer from body roll and you will prob rip your liners out :slight_smile:

but start with some pagid RS42 pads and see how you get on.