new trumpets needed

Got an s1 exige 190, theres been a rattling thats recently started, under further investigation 3 of the 4 trumpets on the throttle body are loose. Ive done a quick search, but cant find anything.

Id be very greatful for advice on the best place to source them from, and rough sort of price? sell them in a kit, so no good there. My best bet nearest lotus dealer i guess?

The rattle is more annoying than anything else, cant really complain, the car has been bullet proof in the 8k ive had it for

Many thanks


You could try Jenvey


I have never had the air box off, but i take it they are alloy ??. I had the same sort of problem on my old engine. Talking to the engine builder it sounds like it�s not uncommon for them to come loose. I got them alloy welded in the end, never had a problem after that.

Got an s1 exige 190, theres been a rattling thats recently started, under further investigation 3 of the 4 trumpets on the throttle body are loose. Ive done a quick search, but cant find anything.

[image][/image] (photo courtesy of Uldis)

Do you mean the fixing screws are loose or missing?

hey! thanks for reply, yeah there alloy mate, all 3 fixing screws on each trumpet are in, the base trumpets them selves have warn making them loose? Actually only one is still secure.

Sounds like the same problem, new ones wont be that cheap (or not as cheap as welding them) and like i said if there welded they wont come loose again.

Here is how we did it.


Photo didn’t appear, but no worries, I have mine here unused.

Although I have the Titan TB’s (the std ones), I don’t use those trumpets. This are a few things I’ve learnt so far:

-those std trumpets are machined wrongly. Too loose tolerances, theyu cone loose and there is little you can do other than fit some very soft washers under the bolts to keep them there.
-the base are not compatible with anything, using the tops of the caps of the screws to hold them there, when Jenvey trumpets have different patterns, but normally a flange and bolt arrangement. Jenvey’s won’t fit.
-they are too short (5cm) so although I could offer you mine there is free BHP to be had with longer ones. No use to fit the std ones, now that you can, better to fit some better ones.
-I made some plastic ones which were adjustable in length from around 8cm to 14 or so, they fit better because the bases were machined slightly thickerbut with this I discovered that with 10cm you gain aboutfrom 6 to 8 BHP from 3K onwards, so a worthwile mod.

In short:
-I can send you one or two of the original ones, have them here, not using them, in exchange for a couple of pints next trackday
-I could send you some longer ones, the ones I used for the trials (but they are nothing refined), provided you make a power run before and after so everyone can see.
-you could bite the bullet and order some Jenvey 90mm but you’ll have to drill and tap the TB’s and get some filling-up rings made to take the place of the neck that used to be there inside.

Your thoughts?

Uldis, would the longer trumpets fit ok under an ITG filter? If they do would you be able to supply some for a cost of your choice??? Mine are loose also. Would be nice to fit before the Emerald and rolling road.

now I can see the pics.
First, the Audi pic above is very different to our systems (which you can see in my pic above) no way to weld.

Secon Fluffy, the std setup has a Pipercross cone filter at the end of the airbox, not an ITG like the Audi above, or, you mean you have one like that? Come to think of it, I think I’ve seen some pics of the Elise 190 with an ITG filter setup like that.
In that case no, longer trumpets would not fit under an ITG filter like that.
But you can always go to the Pipercross cone filter as everybody else

Can I see a pic of your setup Fluffy?

Uldis, do the extended trumpets fit in the standard airbox?

Trumpets, and yes they do (that’s how I tried them)

Doh! thanks uldis amended post

When you did the power runs, did you do them with or without the airbox ?

With airbox, same everything, only variable was the trumpet length.

One of the Titan trumpets was loose on mine as the bottom lip had worn a bit against the fixing screws. I just twisted the trumpet a few degrees so the fixing screws were against an unworn part of the bottom lip and tightened them up. No rattling and no cost.

Right ive spoke to lotus! they want �70.74 each plus vat plus delivary! However ive taken your advice uldis, my engineer next door, is currently making me some (extended) about 100mm total length for �30 each! thinking about making them with a plate around the lip, so nomatter what they cannot wear down, and will be as secure as possible. Hes sh*t hot too, so they’lll be perfect!

SteveJ your exactly spot on, thats whats happened to mine, this time they will have new screws and washers,as they have warn too.

Theres plenty of room in air box, its actually a lot deeper than you think.

Thanks for advice everyone. taken on board

Seems im not the only one with the problem.

The shape of the trumpet is very important, tell you engineer frind that it should have an exponential curvature, and he should be able to design it that way.

Are you going to do some before/after dyno runs?

Secon Fluffy, the std setup has a Pipercross cone filter at the end of the airbox, not an ITG like the Audi above, or, you mean you have one like that? Come to think of it, I think I’ve seen some pics of the Elise 190 with an ITG filter setup like that.
In that case no, longer trumpets would not fit under an ITG filter like that.
But you can always go to the Pipercross cone filter as everybody else

Just fitted the ITG at �150 and binned the pipercross. Bo**ocks

Just fitted the ITG at �150 and binned the pipercross. Bo**ocks

ITG is better - don’t worry…

Can I see a pic of your setup Fluffy?

Have a look HERE for the ITG setup…

Just fitted the ITG at �150 and binned the pipercross. Bo**ocks

ITG is better - don’t worry…

Do a before and after dyno run with the cone Pipercross and the ITG and you will see for yourself.

I haven’t done that test BTW, but I did one with said cone Pipercross and a round (semi cones shaped) K&K and I lost about 3 BHP with the K&N.
Would be surprised you gain anything with the ITG, AND you can’t use longer trumpets