New Sports Exhaust?

My exhaust has a bit split in it. I’m waiting for a replacement under warranty, but they’re on back-order. That’s unusual for a Lotus part [image][/image] I understand the replacement is likely to be one of the new CLF/Magnex items rather than the well loved Janspeed SuperSports. Does anybody know what these new ones are like? I’d like to know how they compare in terms of sound, backpressure, and looks (Oval, or twin pipes?) Also, do they last any better than the Janspeed?

I’ve the one from motoconcept!So lovely, so loud!

I’ve just had my new exhaust fitted, and it’s a Janspeed. Aparrently they’re back in business. The new one seems to be a slightly different design, and I think it’s a little quieter, or perhaps I got used to the sound of the old one with a hole in it.