New Site

Try this new site

Well that’s a pretty convincing reason.

quote:Originally posted by Admin5:Well that’s a pretty convincing reason.PMT David? [image][/image]

rofl…almost as good as the tigga S2 hard top posting on the OLC site.

quote:Originally posted by lotusdriver:Try this new site But I’m warm and cosy here!

quote:Originally posted by Pesky: PMT David? [image][/image]hehe, well, having the cheek to advertise another forum is one thing, but not giving anyone a good reason to visit it is another !

Well you don’t see great conversations like this at I’ve also noticed that the “lad” banners at the top of the page have been replaced by bookatrack guys - whatever next.

quote:Originally posted by Admin5:hehe, well, having the cheek to advertise another forum is one thing, but not giving anyone a good reason to visit it is another !I was slightly surprised, but to your credit, that you didn’t remove it.