New racing series

When I was at Snetterton recently someone talked to me about a new Elise-y racing series. Anyone know who/what?

750MC has lost MSA Championship status for Roadsports (not enough people), and MESC isn’t a championship either. What MSA Championships could an Elise 190 compete in at the moment?

Shame about 750. For all their anal-retentiveness, it’s a friendly club and the 30 minute races were a good idea.

At the end of the day I guess it’s not overly important whether it’s a recognised championship or not - I think a signature is a still a signature.

‘Lotus on track’ are supposed to be organizing one for next year i believe but why aren’t you racing in the obvious series for elises which is MESC? I’ve seen your name listed on their website previously so presumably you raced in MESC before? I think the championship tag is pretty irrelevant nowadays, when lots of series seem to be in the same boat with an inability to fill grids.

Steve T

LoT Series is definately on next year and should have full grids.

We are finalising the regs etc at the moment.

More info HERE

I have done MESC - not too many but a few. Many advantages, but grids are low there too at the moment, hard to find a class structure everyone likes, not a championship etc. etc.

I have liked the 30 minute races that 750 do, plus the frequent double headers, which means you get around an hours racing per weekend for around �250-�275 entry fee. MESC is around �175 for a 15 minute race, few double headers (this season, they did more in the past) and sadly AMOC have a tendency to scrap races if their is a red flag with 50% run, so if you’re unlucky you end up doing only 4 or 5 laps for your weekend.

I guess it comes down to the kind of people you race with and where you’re happy. I like the atmosphere of the 750MC, more than the atmosphere of AMOC. I think 750 has been better value than MESC this season (hasn’t always been the case).

I’m following up on LOT and would like to give it a go. I’m not excluding doing more MESC and 750 in the future either.

I know exactly what you mean about limited track time and a fair class structure!

I enquired about doing a few 750mc races myself last year as they did look good value in terms of track time etc as you say, but they were not too keen on letting motorsport elises take part (especially after Blogg blew them all away at Mallory!) I assume now I have a honda engine + sc they wouldn’t entertain me at all?


Motorsport Elise would be Class A, no problem (they have Nobles in there after all).

I got an exemption to race in Class B with a stock, unmodified 190, but they haven’t yet accepted that as a rule change.

At the moment the question is whether there is a Roadsports race at all - fewer than 10 Roadsports entries for the rest of the year (so they double up with Caterhams).

Oh, and engine changes are at the discretion of the championship secretary. I don’t think it would be a problem.

Yes I noticed the’d put the roadsports in with 7’s. Surely thats going to put off any potential new roadsports entrants as they’re unlikely to be able to go for overall wins.
Why have the entries dropped off so quickly? it was only 12-18 months ago the grids seemed pretty healty with easily over 20 cars.