New owner

Hi All
Just thought I’d say hello I’ve had my standard black car for a couple of weeks and I’m looking forward to my first track day in it on Sunday at Cadwell. Anyone else going?

Welcome to icon

Hope you enjoy it…

we’ve had quite a few new owners in the past few weeks… i wonder what’s going on?


Hmmm, I was going, but will not be able to make it…

Have fun!, a well driven Exige there should be one of the fastest things in the day.
Careful with the mountain section.
Check your oil before going on track (and take a spare liter with you), and check your tyre pressures hot, you should shoot for 26-28psi HOT with Yokos A039’s and 24F-26R HOT with Yokos A048’s. That last translates to about 17F-19R cold pressures.

I am guessing (since not too many here do) that the sellers would be outsider Exige owners, because of the inminent news of the Exige S2.

Just normal people who are not that interested on getting in contact with other Exige enthusiasts (therefore we don’t know them).

I can see them selling to get the new model, and they would also probably be happy with it.

Sunday drivers…

Tx for the advice Uldis much appreciated

Just normal people who are not that interested on getting in contact with other Exige enthusiasts (therefore we don’t know them).

I can see them selling to get the new model, and they would also probably be happy with it.

Until the real one comes out

Hi Steve,

Hope you’re enjoying my car!!

It should be ok for oil this time I think


ahhhh… now I get it… heloo mr tomato…

I might be at cadwell on sunday spectating as i have some friends who invited me along for some pax laps.

ahhhh… now I get it… heloo mr tomato…

Hello there Rox

I hope he looks after my car properly

Careful with the mountain section.

Yes, welcome! Exige ownership really is an event.

To add to Uldis’ comments on Cadwell, I’ll pass on a few thoughts and tips I got from an instructor.

  • Be very careful as you enter the woods having come up over the hill. It’s important to get your braking done before you take the right (in front of the club house). I’ve seen lots of cars come over the blind crest that right is on, see the next left, brake some more right on the bend with the rear nice and light and either loose it into the barrier or nearly do so.

  • The wood section is pretty much a constant throttle job. In too quick and just take wider lines, too slow and tighen it up.

  • If it’s dry you can take the left at the end of the start/finish straight at some amazing speeds. The uphill camber helps and it’s so quick it can really knock the stuffing out of you!

  • It’s quite easy to get the rear wheels slightly airbourne coming up over the hill. You’ll hear the revs shoot up!

Have a great time!


If it’s not going sideways, I’m not trying hard enough

Tx for the advice Ian. Just to add to the excitement it looks like the weather could be variable rain showers so I’m gonna be ‘fairly’ careful.


Several of the bends have bail options (1st after start/finish, bottom of the hill), which should help.
