New members?

A few people on SELOC are complaining that they have tried to register here, but have been waiting a long time without approval. Anyone here that can help?

Will have a look

Bloody moany seloc people :slight_smile:

To be fair the archaic way we have to approve people is really old school…


Only kidding :smiley:

Yes, but it stops ‘bots’ joining and posting porn, so stick to it. We do the same on our forum. I had to wait a good 3 weeks, but well worth it. A big thank you.

A chap called gregus is also looking to join (information from SELOC).

Can.t this place be a little more proactive than me having to point out the current demand??

Would you like to become one of the few that vets and approves new members? I’m not, no interest in becoming one and not having a dig at you.

I have been doing the admin when I have a moment… sorry its not good enough!
The reason the chap (gregus) posting on seloc hasn’t been approve is very simple
He didn’t follow the request to send an email to [email protected]. this proves he isn’t a computer bot.
If an email is received I will approve him the next time I remember to log on

It is not just you who can approve newbies though?

Yeah I can too, but I’m uber shit at remembering to look and in fairness I don’t see those exiges gmail emails.

We could do with a few more approval people I reckon Dave, don’t you?

I’ll do it

The site needs making automatic with a capatcha system or similar.
Tried to contact David numerous times without much luck

Well we could still add more admins till a captcha system is active, what would be the harm in that?

Crack on see if you can get a reply from david!!!

I’m happy to help with approvals too…

I’m up for approving new members too.