New members sign up

I need some help please
As you know I gladly keep an eye out for new members and do the activations accordingly.
We seem to be getting bad press again on other forums for being elite and not allowing new members
I think I know why
Only those who send a confirmation email are activated, there are dozens of applications but I cant tell which are genuine and which are spam
So the one who email get in, those that don’t email don’t get in.
Do we leave it like it is , or do something else?

Any one got any good ideas?

It does state pretty clearly when you register that you have to send an e-mail doesn’t it?

People seem too eager to give bad press Dave, you are doing a great job buddy and I certainly appreciate it. Perhaps the registration page, which I have no clue what it says, could be clearer. Maybe you or Sean could write something up and email Dave. Of course not having a clue what it says I could be talking out of my arse :slight_smile:

Can’t you add filters like number between 102 and 104 ?

This is my 1st post since joining a few weeks ago,sorry for the delay… I had no problem registering, Got my login details within 24hrs :thumbup:

If people dont (or cant) read how to register then maybe its a good thing they dont get access :laughing:

:mrgreen: brilliant Kosmo

Amen to that :clap:


Being ‘selective’ doesn’t seem to be doing Farage any harm. :smiley: [joke]

As far as I’m concerned, anybody can (as a wise, well, old Exiger :wink: once referred to it) pull up a chair in our corner of the pub(/Internet). Just don’t expect somebody to always be there.