New member near Bath

Hi all, I thought I would join up with lot. I’ve had an Elise for 6 years and have been on SELOC for quite a while. Joined up here as my Elise is going and will be replaced with an Exige LF1 - hopefully arriving at the end of the month.


You’re a lucky boy with an LF1 in the pipe :sunglasses:

Trying to resist the inevitable ‘…and Bully’s special prize…’ jokes :smiley:

I wouldn’t have thought of that until you typed it - brilliant

In 1 :laughing:

:smiley: heard 'em all before but still use the name.

Welcome to this forum mate :slight_smile: . I joined up recently as just come across it and had nice parts to buy! :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to hear all about and see the Exige LF1! what a machine :sunglasses:

See you Sunday and catch up

Hi Steve. I only caught onto this forum cos I saw your thread on SELOC. I still have the Elise so will give you a call later about Sunday.

Good answer…but it’s wrong :laughing:

Doh that’s a line Catchphrase not Bullseye,. Getting my 80’s game shows confused.

Never mind Benja, Lets have a look at what you could’ve won…

Super, smashing, great…

Welcome Bully, an LF1 that’s very special mate congratulations. Any special upgrades or does it come as is?

Make sure you post a few pictures up when you a chance. :thumbup:

Don’t you mean “Confused and still live in the 80’s”? LOL

Nothing in this game for two in a bed, stay out of the black and keep in the red. :slight_smile:

Nothing in this game for two in a corner, win at Anglesey and you can drive for Horner (Christian).

I’m here all week :smiley: :unamused:

Welcome to the forum. Lovely motor. :clap: