New Lotus models announced

So a couple of new models announced - 3-11 and now a new Exige Club Racer

So before I spend my (wife’s) hard earned cash what do we think this will do to the current used market and should I be hanging on for a couple of months or should I be negotiating hard on a used V6 S

All comments welcome… :wink:

Depends how long you want to wait and how much you want to spend Chris. I think at the moment it is 12 weeks from order to delivery on a new one, if you want to enjoy one this Summer buy a great pre owned V6 now and trade it in later for one of the new models if they float your boat more.
Or you could buy a new dealer stock car if you don’t want to spec one and have to wait. Once you have driven one you won’t want to wait though :laughing: