new guy saying hi

Ok,quick line to say hi,just landed my first Exige n/a after a couple of Elises(s1 and s2) .Still sussing the car out as its totally different to my Elises, there will be plenty of stupid questions so go easy on me. Its a 2005 with 40k on it,in met grey.First jobs are the engine mounts ,road biased tyres(ado8r,less noise) and returning it to under diffuser exhaust.Will try to post a pic when I work out how to??

Welcome. Love the NA S2, miss mine and ask away it’s a friendly site…

Check out upload attachment under submit :thumbup:


Lovely! Are those Jonnyfox’s old wheels?

No, some japanese racing ones

Yup Volks TE37 in bronze like Jonnyfox’s ex-S2 used to have…

Best wheel ever, in the world. No the universe in fact :smiley: :sunglasses:

You don’t see many around. I imported some years ago which I sold two or three years ago. Did they come with the car?

Yep came with the car ,do you know the car?

No, nice combo all the same :sunglasses: