New fluid for Monsieur Pesky


Vintage, obviously :unamused:

Planning to drop in to taste Monsieur Pesky’s plonk some time this week

:astonished: :astonished: :open_mouth: :astonished: :astonished:

Enjoy Ventoux Steve :sunglasses:

Happy to report, mission accomplished , Steve. Thanks for your good wishes. I’m afraid “enjoy” isn’t quite the word I would have chosen!
Although we took a slightly different route(from Mormoiron where we are staying,via Bedoin) it took longer than my previous ascent in 2010 but this time I didn’t need to use the triple which must count as some sort of feat.
My pal, not that experienced as a cyclist, made it abou 15-20 minutes behind me. And he lost all of that time on the last 6K from Chalet Reynard.