New feature : Lightbox

Folks, I have added a new feature for non mobile browsers only.

I was struggling even with my 4k screen with images taking up huge amounts of real estate space on the screen. I found that the effect of some of the work being done on your cars was being lost .

What I have done is made sure that all images are at most 800px wide , but you can click on any image and get a larger ( original ) size version .

This isnt needed on the mobile version of the site as some mad CSS already works this out

For those of you that are not technical

If your on your computer, click the pic to get a big version of it. Click the X at the bottom of the image to make it go away

See ? A small ( ish ) image

Go on , give it a click

Great change, I’m anal about this and I resize all of my images to 800px wide during upload to avoid this very problem :laughing:

Glad you like.
I am working through a few bits to see if I can optimise. Already done some optimisations on the DB and few other bits this evening. I would get out but, you know …

Great! Just tried the pic. Much enhanced :thumbup:

Glad you like Thommo. I like adding new features but I don’t want to alienate established members :thumbup: