New exige owner

Hello all, I’m ian from singapore. I bought over this 2008 exige from a car dealer and I plan to restore it. It was not well taken care of by previous owners.
I would like to know more about this car.

What’s this komotec intercooler and how do I service or maintain it?

Looks a lovely car, I’m sure lots of folk on here will offer advice

Your car looks magnificent.

The komotec branded cooler looks an awful lot like a chargecooler. I dont know any more details other than that though

Hi Ian, and welcome - yes that is a charge cooler, very similar to the one I have… I would get in touch with komotec to see if they have records of what has been done to the car - does it also have the original ECU ?


I know at some points in history (maybe even still today) Komotec/H111 did a chargecooler kit which was essentially the OEM intercooler with a waterjacket welded around it - I’ve never seen one in the flesh, but I imagine it would look a lot like the one you have. Do you have a pre-rad sitting vertically behind the front grill? That was another hallmark of the H111 kit compared to Pro Alloy. (PA sits horizontally so you can’t see it, H111 sat vertically in the direct airflow).

ETA: in terms of maintaining it, there will be an electric 12v pump somewhere in the car (follow the plumbing!) and make sure that’s working when the car is running, the CC is a simple water circuit so just make sure it has water/coolant in it and that it’s circulating OK. You could quite easily drive the car with it being empty or not working and not notice the difference (unless putting through its paces on track/dyno etc) so it’s worth checking out.

Yes seems like original ECU is in place but I guess the previous owners have already tuned it.
Will email komotec!

Yes I checked and there is a small radiator and it’s linked with water hoses to the komotec tank. But why is there some kind of damage in the middle?

It’s hard to tell from the photo but I guess that’s some sort of strike damage. I suppose that’s a downside of having the radiator vertically stood up like that.

Do you know if there’s any water in the system? It might just be the fins that are damaged in which case it shouldn’t leak - but if the bars themselves have split you will have to replace it.