New Arrival(delayed)

Well its a couple of weeks late, but things have been so hectic ive only just gotten round to sorting everything.

Well after bumping into Benja at the hospital and seeing his newborn, it turned out to be a false alarm with my wife.

But on the 26th September our 2nd child arrived, a Baby Girl. 7lb 4oz. Now have a boy and a gril, so I think we can stop there.


Mum still recovering, and im having a lot of sleepless nights, not actually due to the baby but our son who is 2 and a half is having trouble adjusting i think to not getting all the attention.


Congratulations! It really is the most wonderful thing - I was at the births of both mine and it changed me - some might say for the better.

Workload is exponential however - you will now have 4 times the workload!

All very rewarding though. Mine are now 14 and 11 (both boys) and while very different are both pushing the envelope very successfully. The funny thing is how nice it is to be challenged by them - #1 is taller than me and quite capable of beating me in an intellectual debate, #2 is already significantly quicker than me in a kart (even allowing for power to weight). And I don’t mind a bit!

COngrats again Christian I can only imagine what it must be like with new baby and a toddler

Time to phone the doc and make that appointment for ‘The Snip’ now eh


Congratulations Christian. Your son will soon come around to the idea. Very best to you all.

congratulations…what a wee cracker!!

Congratulations Matey!!!

Congrats…what a lovely little girl. I bet you are over the moon.

Congratulations, best of luck.

Congratulations Christian.

Well done Mate - hopefully it will make you drive slower.


Big congrats! I have got one arriving in about 6 weeks - scared shitless


Big congrats! I have got one arriving in about 6 weeks - scared shitless


People kept saying to me “make sure you get lots of sleep before baby arrives”…they are not joking

But don’t plan to sleep for the month beforehand, as they then arrive early!

congratulations Christian

all the very best